

Kusama M, Urata N, Ogura R, Ogata S, Hiratsuka K, Development of a promoter-luciferase-based high-throughput system to monitor jasmonate-mediated defense gene expression. Plant biotechnol. 29, 515-520, 2012
Hayakawa H, Ogura R, Hiratsuka K, Suzuki M, Ugaki M, Novel intron-containing luciferase genes for quantitative analysis of mRNA levels in transient gene expression assays. Plant biotechnol. 29, 505-509, 2012
Minami T, Yanaka T, Takasaki S, Kawamura K, Hiratsuka K, In vivo bioluminescence monitoring of defense gene expression in response to treatment with yeast cell wall extract. Plant biotechnol. 28, 481-484, 2011
Ogura R, Matsuo N, Hiratsuka K, Bioluminescence spectra of click beetle luciferases in higher plant cells. Plant biotechnol. 28, 423-426, 2011
Ono S, Kusama M, Ogura R, Hiratsuka K, Evaluation of the use of the tobacco PR-1a promoter to monitor defense gene expression by the luciferase bioluminescence reporter system. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 75, 1796-1800, 2011
Watakabe Y, Ono S, Tanaka T, Hiratsuka K, Non-destructive bioluminescence detection system for monitoring defense gene expression in tobacco BY-2 cells. Plant biotechnol. 28, 295-301, 2011
Nagata T, Niyada E, Fujimoto N, Nagasaki Y, Noto K, Miyanori Y, Murata J, Hiratsuka K, Katahira M, Solution structures of the trihelix DNA-binding domains of the wild-type and a phosphomimetic mutant of Arabidopsis GT-1, implying a mechanism for an increase in DNA-binding affinity through phosphorylation. Proteins. 78, 3033-3047, 2010
Ishikawa K, Sasaki J, Hiratsuka K, Taniguchi K, Overall linkage map of the nonstructural proteins of Aichi virus. Virus Res. 147, 77-84. 2010
Netsu O, Hiratsuka K, Kuwata S, Hibi T, Ugaki M, Suzuki M, Peanut stunt virus 2b cistron plays a role in viral local and systemic accumulation and virulence in Nicotiana benthamiana. Arch. Virol. 153, 1731?1735. 2008
Ohyama T, Furukawa A, Miyoshi T, Takeda Y, Ohgara S, Hiratsuka K, Imai T, Okano H, Nakagami H, Nagata T, Katahira M, Interactions with RNA/DNA of proteins involved in the regulation of transcription, translation and telomere elongation. Nucleic Acids Symposium Series 51, 77-78. 2007
Seo S, Maeda T, Hiratsuka K, Tissue-specific and DNA damage-responsive expression of the AtRAD51 gene promoter in transgenic Arabidopsis and tobacco. Plant Biotechnol. 24, 321-329. 2007
Hiratsuka, K., Tanaka, T., and Ono, S. Development of defense gene expression monitoring systems by the bioluminescence reporter genes in higher plants. XVI International Plant Protection Congress 2007, Congress Proceedings 2, 722-723. 2007
Asada M, Bayarmaa G, Morohashi K, Hiratsuka K, Expression and subcellular localization of pre-rRNA processing factor homologues in higher plants. Plant Biotechnol. 24, 301-306. 2007
Albert P, Miya A, Hiratsuka K, Kawakami N, Shibuya N, A high-throughput evaluation system for Arabidopsis mutants for defense signaling. Plant Biotechnol. 23, 459-466. 2006
Tanaka T, Ono S, Watakabe Y, Hiratsuka K, Bioluminescence reporter assay system to monitor Arabidopsis MPK3 gene expression in response to infection by Botrytis cinerea. J. Gen. Plant Pathol. 72, 1-5. 2006
Liang Y ?M, Tian C ?M, Hiratsuka K, Kakishima M, A new species of Pucciniastrum on Enkianthus campanulatus from Japan. Mycotaxon 92, 371-376. 2005
Ogura R, Matsuo N, Wako N, Tanaka T, Ono S, Hiratsuka K, Multi-color luciferases as reporters for monitoring transient gene expression in higher plants. Plant Biotechnol. 22, 151-155. 2005
Maeda T, Watakabe Y, Seo S, Takase H, Hiratsuka K, Expression of the AtRAD51 gene promoter in response to DNA damage in transgenic tobacco. Plant Biotechnol. 21, 113-118. 2004
Matsuo N, Gilmartin PM, Hiratsuka K, Characterization of the EMCV-IRES mediated bicistronic translation in plant cells. Plant Biotechnol. 21, 119-126. 2004
Ono S, Tanaka T, Watakabe Y, Hiratsuka K, Transient assay system for the analysis of PR-1a gene promoter in tobacco BY-2 cells. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 68, 803-807. 2004
Morohashi K, Minami M, Takase H, Hotta Y, Hiratsuka K, Isolation and characterization of a novel GRAS gene that regulates meiosis-associated gene expression. J. Biol. Chem. 278, 20865-20873. 2003
Morita R, Hattori Y, Yokoi S, Takase H, Minami M, Hiratsuka K, Toriyama K, Assessment of utility of meiosis-associated promoters of lily for induction of germinal ds transposition in transgenic rice. Plant Cell Physiol. 44, 637-642. 2003
Bayarmaa G, Morohashi K, Takase H, Hiratsuka K, Identification of novel microsporogenesis-associated genes encoding proteins with a nuclear localization signal. Plant Biotechnol. 20, 137-143. 2003
Murata J, Takase H, Hiratsuka K, Characterization of a novel GT-box binding protein from Arabidopsis. Plant Biotechnol. 19, 103-112. 2002
George S, Behl P, deGuzman R, Lee M, Rusyniak S, Hotta Y, Hiratsuka K, Takase H, Hasenkampf C, Dmc1 fluorescent foci in prophase I nuclei of diploid, triploid and hybrid lilies. Chromosoma, 111, 96-105. 2002
Takase H, Tumennasan K, Hiratsuka K, Chandley AC, Hotta Y, Fertility investigation in F1 hybrid and backcross progeny of cattle (Bos taurus) and Yak (B. gruniens) in Mongolia. The Niigat Journal of Health and Welfare 2, 42-52, 2002
Uefuji H, Minami M, Takase H, Hiratsuka K, Isolation of a promoter that directs microsporogenesis- associated gene expression in Lilium longiflorum, Plant Biotechnology, 18, 151-156, 2001
Matsuo N, Minami M, Maeda T, Hiratsuka K, Dual luciferase assay for monitoring gene expression in higher plants., Plant Biotechnology, 18, 71-75, 2001


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草間勝浩,小倉里江子,平塚和之,発光レポーターを用いた抵抗性誘導剤探索と評価について ?多色発光遺伝子の活用による高性能化? 日本農薬学会誌, 34, 316-349, 2009
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鳴坂義弘,平塚和之,安部洋,プラントアクティベーターの創薬に向けたハイスループットスクリーニングシステムの開発,植物防疫 61, 7-11, 2007
平塚和之,微生物の病原性と植物の防御応答,上田一郎編,北海道大学出版会,pp.67-74, 2007
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小倉里江子,平塚和之,多色発光レポーターを用いた解析,植物細胞工学 新版 植物の細胞を観る実験プロトコール,22, 122-125, 2006
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平塚和之,高瀬尚文,堀田康雄 減数分裂と花粉形成 花・性と生殖の分子生物学,学会出版センター,pp 89-97, 2001